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posted January 23, 2017 07:39 PM |
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Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Map Editor Unleashed
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Map Editor Unleashed
点击观看英3史诗级全能地图编辑Unleashed map editor介绍
What to download?
Since version 1.0, the modifications are done through DLL. As such, a base package (1.0) is available and an updated package with latest modifications will be added from time to time.
1. Download base package
2. Install
3. Download latest update
4. Copy the files from latest update over previous installation
DOWNLOAD .exe (7zip)
DOWNLOAD .exe (7zip)
The base package contains everything you need to run the Unleashed mapeditor, but in order to get the latest features, visit the LATEST UPDATE post, just below. Compare the versions indicated within brackets next to each of them to know if you need to update files from the base package.
As you may know, this mapeditor is based off the WoG mapeditor, meaning it has several wog objects at its disposition. If you would rather not have any of those, download these LODs and replace the ones that come with the base package (potentially after a backup).
Details about latest version
The latest update contains only the necessary files to upgrade to the newest update from the base package.
Links to older versions can be found in the announcement posts.
How do I use this?
1. Extract the compressed archive in a single folder
2. Open this folder and double click H3Unleashed.exe
3. Thats it, it works!
What is this?
This is a modified WoG MapEditor based on Black Phantom's tiny WOG editor. This means you get all the nice feature provided by the Stand Alone WoG Mapeditor created by Black Phantom and benefits from the GrayFace patch (see link to thread for details).
But on top of that, you will also never again need to use hex editing to make a map. All of the nifty tricks proposed in The Mapmaker's Thread have been incorporated into this mapeditor, and even more which were not discussed. While this is of limited use for WoG/ERA maps (besides reducing some ERM coding time), it is invaluable to all RoE/AB/SoD (and even HotA, before conversion) mapmakers who want to stretch the games limits.
Special thanks
A very huge shout-out to potmdehex without whom this project would never have progressed. With potmdehexs guidance and counsel I was able to understand the basics of Assembly; I kept asking for troubleshooting and help as I was moving along.
Many thanks go to Black Phantom and GrayFace who are behind the base software I modified.
Thanks also to Biobob who suggested several implementations, to all other contributors in The Mapmakers Thread as well as the rest of the community.
Whats new?
There are too many changes to list them exhaustively, please view the included document List of Changes.txt in the archive.
[+] Lord Haart (Knight) may now be placed directly in AB/SOD
[+] Adventure Map Objects limits have been modified to respect game hard caps (e.g. 255 garrisons instead of 48; 65,535 events instead of 200; 65,535 external dwellings instead of 144;
[+] Heroes may now be placed with 0 creatures (ghost hero) without "Backspace-Enter" trick
[+] New dialog character limits (e.g. you can directly place 30,000 creatures in a single slot). Note: you are still constrained by the games limits.
[+] Several dialogs now accept negative values (e.g. -128 Attack for hero)
[+] Removed the required 4 minimum Secondary Skills in Map Specifications: Available Secondary Skills
[+] All known non-buggy available sprites for SoD added in side panel
[+] Fixed a bug introduced by Grayface patch which prevented Angelic Alliance, Armor of the Damned, Titan's Thunder and Power of the Dragonfather from ever being equipped
XXL Compatibility
Xyphistor said: [...]found a link to patchmaps.exe that was still active, here:
Stuck the exe into my Unleashed Mapeditor folder and ran it, seems to have worked beautifully
Modification of existing limits
All working sprites available in the sidebar
Simple creation of ghost heroes
Droplists extended and/or modified
Questions? Bugs? Suggestions?
Please feel free to share your questions and suggest new features for future releases.
Unfortunately I havent been able to test everything extensively so certain issues may exist.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Famous Hero
the Bobler
posted January 23, 2017 08:06 PM |
Congratulations on getting so far with this project! I had the honor to be able to test this gem during development and can tell you guys that this is a godsend to all SoD creators! Time for a new era of map making
Legendary Hero
posted January 23, 2017 08:07 PM |
Very good! Congratulations. W need tools like this :-)
Supreme Hero
posted January 23, 2017 08:22 PM |
This is just great. Thank you for your hard work, I look forward to try it.
Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin
Tavern Dweller
posted January 23, 2017 08:45 PM |
Thank you for such fine map editor
[url=http://heroesportal.net/maps/view/3910]Last card[/url]
Known Hero
professional ERM scripter
posted January 23, 2017 08:45 PM |
Impressively long changes list, good work.
Supreme Hero
Heroes 3 Fan
posted January 25, 2017 12:43 PM |
Good job. I would like to see this patch for HotA Map Editor aswell.
Supreme Hero
posted January 25, 2017 10:35 PM |
zmudziak22 said: Good job. I would like to see this patch for HotA Map Editor aswell.
Although I could probably export the changes (minus the ones already present in HotA MapEditor or not needed), the HotA team usually prefers to do their own thing so I don't feel at ease making that and distributing it. Moreover, there are still a few improvements needed which I hope to eventually feature in future versions, e.g.
*a few dialogs missing negative values compatibility
*automatic conversions of some negative numbers (it's not the end of the world, but it's a bit surprising to type in -3,000 and come back to 62,536 the next time you load map)
*automatic boundaries for dialogs. For example, you can only input 4,095 wandering creatures, anything above is automatically set back to 4,095. However, you can give a hero 99,999 creatures and no such reset is done. The problem is 3DO built in some of these features (which I took advantage of when I could, like the 4,095 creatures) but some others not so; this will need to write some new functions. Luckily several dialogs share the same limits.
OTOH, if enough people request it of them I'm certain they can make the changes to the official editor. In most cases it's very quick once you know what does what. They probably already know how to seeing all the changes they've been able to do.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted February 13, 2017 08:21 PM |
Ohhh really excited for this! Had no clue it existed.
I have a few questions:
1)the most important one, is this stable enough ? I am working on a huge G sized map, the last thing I neex is a crash so i loose all my progress...
2)Does this work if the user didn't install anything?
3)does this work with the sucession wars mod ? Probably not, but can I make it work?
4) is there any way of getting passed the seer hut limit ? For now i am compromising with the border gate(thats the name?...) and an event to give heroes bonuses. Also, any restrictions on these two ?
Supreme Hero
posted February 13, 2017 10:06 PM |
robizeratul said: Ohhh really excited for this! Had no clue it existed.
I have a few questions:
1)the most important one, is this stable enough ? I am working on a huge G sized map, the last thing I neex is a crash so i loose all my progress...
2)Does this work if the user didn't install anything?
3)does this work with the sucession wars mod ? Probably not, but can I make it work?
4) is there any way of getting passed the seer hut limit ? For now i am compromising with the border gate(thats the name?...) and an event to give heroes bonuses. Also, any restrictions on these two ?
1) The original software was tested for over a year by its creator (Black Phantom) for crashes... that was in ~2010. The only crashes I've had was with copy/paste terrain feature. There's always the autosave feature. Best practice is to save often anyway
2) Yes, it's stand alone. You don't even need H3 installed.
3) No idea but my guess is no. I haven't a clue what SW did to modify their editor.
4) Not that I know. I can place 49 Seer Huts in the mapeditor but the game will crash. So it requires editing the game exe. Only VCMI has done it at the moment... maybe HotA will find solution. Or WoG which made custom Seer Huts. There is no limit on events or Quest Guards AFAIK.
Keep in mind I haven't tested G size maps with this, I can't guarantee it will work it you patch it to XXL. I could probably find equivalent addresses in XXL editor however.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted February 13, 2017 10:17 PM |
Hmm, I see. Amazing tool but not for me in this situation... Maybe I will try to use it with some tricks...
Thanks for the response! As far as I know the SW editor is just the normal era editor, only the graphics are different.
If you are up to it, you could talk to the modders, i did and the map editor is far from a priority, maybe you could integrate your work with them if its not too complicated.... I for one would be extremely thankful!
Is it hard to change the normal He editor onto yours ? From what i can tell, you just copy some files and let thr game determine the graphics, no ? Should be easy to do
Supreme Hero
posted February 13, 2017 10:24 PM |
For almost all changes, you can simply edit the mapeditor.exe with a hex editor or disassembler. Like enabling Lord Haart in SoD is changing '00' to '01' in 1 place.
My main goal with this editor was removing as many limits for SoD as possible, and distributing the changes easily. Since some of the changes are in the LODs and would impact gameplay, I selected a stand alone version for distribution rather than just an .exe you place in your H3 folder.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Known Hero
posted February 13, 2017 10:32 PM |
I understand! It's honestly great tool. Just that in my case it can't be used, the graphics dont match... if this where ERA or integrated with SW mod it would be great!
Just saying, i appreciate it a lot, im just sad i cant use it for my map
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 13, 2017 10:48 PM |
Why would you need such editor with era (sw mod is ERA based)? All those tricks are easy to trigger with erm in Era.
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted February 13, 2017 10:59 PM |
Clicking a feature on a map editor would be much more easier for a lot of people compared to ERM coding.
Known Hero
posted February 13, 2017 11:24 PM |
Because I have no clue what era is and i didnt find one proper guide for me. if i remember Lizard warrior had a comprehensive guide...still it made no sense...
I go to the erm thread and everything is to complex...
Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 13, 2017 11:37 PM |
Lets not pollute the thread with unrelated erm gibberish, its just that when I said those tricks are easy to code in era, it means really easy, one short line of code for each of the actions mentioned above.
But as this is for SoD, it allows much more complex settings than vanilla and this is a good thing. For those doing maps for SoD.
Known Hero
posted February 14, 2017 12:40 AM |
Supreme Hero
posted February 14, 2017 01:52 AM |
Thank you all for your interest in the project
Sneak peek at the next beta version:
Funny how I never thought of it before; you could get it from nwcthereisnospoon but it never occurred to me to check if it could be placed directly in game.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2
Supreme Hero
posted February 20, 2017 05:46 PM |
Beta Version 2
Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Map Editor Unleashed
The editor is still a work in progress but I'm just about sufficiently satisfied to move on to the next beta version.
Latest Version
DOWNLOAD (.7z, MEGA, 15.0MB)
DOWNLOAD (.zip, MEGA, 15.4 MB)
Whats new?
[+] Titan's Lightning Bolt is now enabled as a regular spell
[+] Negative creatures for Events, Pandora's Boxes & Seer Huts now working
[+] Restricted values to game limits where function already exists
[-] Fixed a few mistakes
Few more small details... see the List of Changes.
-Titan's Lightning Bolt is shown in Town mage guilds - however it cannot appear in game; hence it is left greyed out as a reminder. It does work everywhere else (Spellbook, Scrolls, Pandora/Events, Seers)
-Negative creatures in Events/... have available values between [0; 65,535]. However they are treated as unsigned integers so anything above 32,767 shows up negative. The mapeditor does not store "-1 Pikeman" but rather "65535 Pikeman". When you next open the mapeditor, the numbers are shown in negative format but still stored as equivalent value in allowed [0; 65,535] range.
Negative creatures
Restricted values and Titan's Lightning
Future versions
*Add value restrictions to remaining fields (e.g. Hero creatures between [0; 32,767]). A lot of these fields weren't coded with a value threshold function because the original character limit did it by default (e.g. 4 digits only allowed 0-9999). With the extended character limits, you can enter values that aren't properly recognized by the game.
*Hide Titan's Lightning Bolt in town Mage Guilds
*Automatically display negative number of creatures. Consequently improve current patch. Aesthetics you know!
Questions? Bugs? Suggestions?
Please feel free to share your questions and suggest new features for future releases.
My Let's Plays: Metataxer's Revenge - The Empire of The World 2